Benefits of Hiring Remote Team For Software Development Project

2 min read Mar 29 2019
1694 2

You may have a great team in place; and yet, some situations may arise where you get an opportunity to work on a huge, complex project with a big budget. You may not have team members with the right skills, or you’re already swamped with work – whatever the reason, taking up this project could be problematic, but you wouldn’t dream of passing it up either.

A good way to overcome this hurdle is to augment your IT department either through recruiting new employees or hiring a remote team for this express purpose.

Let’s look at the benefits offered by this move:

  • You can be sure of getting a team of trained and skilled professionals, and don’t have to worry about checking credentials when hiring
  • Dedicated development teams can be assigned tasks right away as they are usually a set of experienced professionals without interns
  • If you need a development team only for a few months or weeks, hiring a permanent employee or employees may not be your best option. But when you hire a remote team, they are hired for a specific period only, and is much more cost effective.
  • Even if you need teams for long-term projects, you can hire teams consisting of 50 specialists with the requisite skills for that period only. This allows you to be more flexible and adapt to changing conditions
  • Teams engaged only for specific projects will not have issues with erratic work schedules, as their sole objective is to get the project up and running in the shortest time; but a permanent employee may not take kindly to it
  • With a highly experienced team errors are likely to be fewer, and testing and QA will not take as much time.
  • Plunging into a project when you know that your resources are not adequate to the purpose is risky, and outsourcing the project fully can put you out of the project. Here, hiring a dedicated team helps you balance the two, and show the client your capability
  • Hiring an outside team brings fresh perspective into the project as they will give honest feedback and valuable suggestions.
  • Hiring a dedicated team helps you save time, effort, and money, especially when you request the team from companies that provide staff augmentation services regularly. Searching, interviewing and hiring permanent employees take time and money.
  • You can choose from a global talent pool – there are no geographical restrictions; you can get the best experts and don’t have to rely on local talent

Looking for a dedicated team to help on your next big project? Systems Valley has got experienced professionals and we would be happy to help with your IT staff augmentation.

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